Chandigarh Group of Colleges (CGC), Jhanjeri's Human Resource Department recently hosted the 'Rain and Reel' competition, a unique initiative designed to celebrate both the picturesque beauty of the campus and the creative talents of the staff and faculty. Participants were invited to capture the charm of the campus during the rainy season and create engaging reels, which were then submitted for the competition.
The competition encouraged employees to explore the campus's scenic spots, highlighting its lush landscapes and vibrant atmosphere enhanced by the monsoon rains. This initiative aimed not only to foster a sense of pride and appreciation for the college environment but also to showcase the diverse creative talents of the staff and faculty.
The management at CGC Jhanjeri strongly believes in the importance of engaging employees in activities that promote creativity and a deeper connection to their workplace. By encouraging staff to participate in the 'Rain and Reel' competition, the college aims to create a more inspired and cohesive community. Such initiatives are instrumental in boosting morale, fostering teamwork, and enhancing the overall work experience.
The event concluded with a showcase of the best reels, celebrating the participants' efforts and creativity. The top entries were awarded, and all participants received recognition for their contributions. The 'Rain and Reel' competition has set a precedent for future creative endeavors, reinforcing CGC Jhanjeri’s commitment to a vibrant and inclusive workplace culture.