Faculty Sports Fiesta: Uniting Educators Through Sportsmanship
Chandigarh Group of College, Jhanjeri, Mohali organized Faculty Sports Fiesta 2023 for the faculty staff members from 16.01.2023 to 19.01.2023 at CGC J Main Ground.
The opening of faculty Sports Fiesta 2023 was dated 16.01.2023 by Mr. Neeraj Sharma, Executive Director. All the HODs of the department came with their staff to CGC J Main Ground for the event's opening. The entire three departments Engineering, Law, and Management participated in this event. The first day of the event was started Tug of War and Musical Chair on 16.01.2023. on the second day Badminton, Chess, Carrom, Table Tennis, Volleyball and Basketball. The third day was Fun Games, 3 leg games, Jalebi Race, Arm Wrestling, Badminton, and Carom. On the last day, there was Cricket, Badminton and Carrom. The last day was Medal distribution to the faculty members.
Mr. Neeraj Sharma, Executive Director distributed the Medals and certificates to the staff members and appreciated the staff members for participating in the games because games always freshen the mind and motivate for the participation.