Inauguration of the International Conference on ICCESD-2024 at CGC Jhanjeri

International Conference on Circular Economy and Sustainable Development (ICCESD-2024) at CGC Jhanjeri commenced with a grand inaugural session, marking a significant milestone in sustainable development and circular economy. Dr. Vikasdeep Singh Mann, Head of the Department of Civil Engineering, introduced the conference's objectives and highlighted the valuable contributions of invited speakers and scholars worldwide.

Dr. Anshu Tomar, the conference convener, elaborated on the event's structure, showcasing contributions across four technical sessions chaired by eminent personalities. Dr. Vinay Goyal, Executive Director of Chandigarh Group of Colleges Jhanjeri (CGCJ), welcomed the attendees and emphasized the Government of India's vision towards circular economy and sustainable development, considering the growing pressure on natural resources due to rapid population growth.

The chief guest, Dr. Kiran Tota-Maharaj from the Water Research Centre and Royal Agricultural University, UK, focused on water resource management and advocated for the Reduce-Reuse-Recycle policy to alleviate pressure on water resources. He emphasized the need to preserve water quality and quantity for future generations, essential for potable water and agriculture to achieve a global circular economy.

International invited speakers included Dr. Ntalampiras Stavros from the University of Milan, Italy, who discussed his research on sound textures, Dr. Nabendra Parumasur from the University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa, who shared insights on mathematical modeling in recycling, and Dr. Yulia Humrye from the University of Portsmouth, UK, who addressed the detrimental effects of plastic use on human health.

Dr. Neeraj Sharma, Campus Director at CGCJ, highlighted the importance of waste management mechanisms and laws. Dr. Anish Gupta, Director of Academics at CGCJ, delivered a vote of thanks, appreciating the efforts of the organizing team. Dr. Anshu Tomar concluded the inaugural session, noting the alignment of all addresses with the themes of circular economy and sustainable development.

The technical sessions featured diverse and innovative topics such as natural language processing in chatbots, cloud computing and IoT integration, sustainable construction materials, effective waste management systems, and renewable energy solutions. Studies on environmentally friendly urban planning, renewable energy technologies, sustainable agriculture practices, and novel materials for construction and technology were presented, fostering lively exchanges and promoting cooperation for sustainability challenges.

ICCESD-2024 is a testament to CGC Jhanjeri's commitment to fostering global exposure and achieving the shared goal of sustainability.